(and ooh-and-ahh over) CAKE
(and ooh-and-ahh over) CAKE
© Melissa Nowakowski 2008
Cake seems to be the staple of a huge assortment of celebrations from weddings, anniversaries and bar mitzvahs to birthdays and, well, births. After all, what party is complete without cake? That said, choosing the ‘perfect’ cake for your celebration can be almost as challenging as deciding on the design of the event itself. Especially if you are opting for ‘unique’.
Many brides-to-be, birthday-girls/guys and party hosts have fretted over their celebratory cake. Because when it comes to cake, the more unique the cake the larger the price tag can be. Considering that many cake designers base their prices on the amount of labour required to create a custom cake, a simple (yet intricate and “unique”) three-tier cake can cost anywhere from $400 and up. Even “fake cakes” (aka Styrofoam cakes), which at one time were the cheaper option for display cakes, now cost almost the same as an edible cake because of the labour involved.
So how do you get that show-stopper of a cake for your special celebration without draining the budget? In two ways: Focus on the details and keep the following points in mind:
1. When it comes to large functions such as weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, anniversaries, etc. or celebrations that serve a variety of sweets at the same time, remember that only 75 – 80% of your guests will actually eat the cake. So plan the size of and number of slices to your cake accordingly – don’t ensure that every single guest will be entitled to a slice or you’ll wind up with quite the leftover.
2. Height doesn’t necessarily mean impact. Picture this: you walk into a room that houses two cakes. One cake is seven tiers high, two-toned and decorated with flowers. The other is a large slab cake that is comprised of bold colours and ornate accents. Which cake would you ooh and ahh over? The slab cake of course. Remember that the more tiers you have equates to more cake, which equates to more labour, which results in more ker-ching. You can serve up just as much impact with less tiers (or heck, even one) and be happy with the price tag.
3. That “totally one-of-a-kind" cake that you saw in a magazine/book/advertisement/TV show/ party you went to is not necessarily one-of-a-kind anymore. Consider this: if you saw that three tier, bubblegum pink, cherry blossom designed cake in a wedding magazine…so did over 100,000 other brides-to-be…and possibly three months before you picked up the magazine. So what do you think the chances are that at least ten of those 100,000 brides will rip that page out and take it to their local cake designer wanting that same design. So what do you do? Go ahead and rip out that page but use it as inspiration ONLY. Remember that you chose your cake artisan for a reason so let them take the inspiration and run with it. You may find yourself in awe of the one-of-a-kind cake that THEY create. Also keep in mind that what you see in that magazine/book/advertisement/TV show/ party you went to might look absolutely scrumptious but the price tag is missing. You could be in for the shock of your life.
4. Decide what about this particular cake is important to you. Is it having something visually striking that’s important to you or is making your guests swoon more important? Once you decide what it is that you are trying to accomplish you will know what components of your cake require that special touch, if at all. For example, if providing your guests with the most decedent dessert at your 50th birthday party is what is important to you; focus on the cake itself and not the decorations. If you want a display piece that your guests will remember for years to come, consider a “fake cake” that your guests can admire all night and serve your more typical slice of cake from a slab in the kitchen.
Taking the unique route with your cake doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to concentrate all the focus on icing. Sure, a mile high cake with intricate gum paste flowers and fancy accessories will garner attention. But like any other element to your celebration, focusing your creativity on the smaller details can pack a much stronger punch. The big wows are expected. It’s the unique “little things” that are unexpected and leave a lasting impression.
Here are just a few “little things” to focus on thus adding an innovative flair to your special cake without adding a huge leap in price:
FLAVOURS: So much emphasis is put on the outside of the cake that often the inside gets the plain Jane treatment. Why not shock the tastebuds of your guests with unusual flavour combinations? From Bailey’s, lemon and coconut and mango or pineapple filling to toffee and caramel or chocolate mint, celebration cakes that burst with unique flavour combos will not only have your guests gushing about the taste but it will remain in their memory for celebrations to come.
TOPPERS: Limiting the style and decorations to your cake and placing all the pizzazz in the cake topper is another way to 'top' things off with a big “wow”. By keeping the cake itself simple, the cake topper will draw all the attention. Now when we say “cake topper” we don’t mean a simple numbered-candle, the 'typical' bride and groom statue or the usual clown or teddy bear. Cake toppers can be pretty much anything that fits your theme or personality whether it be a pair of golf shoes, a diamond tiara, feathers, a teapot, a bobble head, etc. Just be sure that whatever cake topper you choose is not too heavy for the cake. Discuss your cake topper with your cake designer ahead of time so that they can make suggestions and arrangements.

Photos (L-R) MyDreamWedding.ca, Cake Therapy, Paris Tiaras
COLOUR: Sometimes something as simple as a colour combination can really make a statement. Of course, you’ll want to stay within your event’s colour scheme, but you can play up that scheme and make your cake stand out by choosing a much brighter version of your chosen colours. If you’re not regimented to a specific colour regimen, choose unique colour combinations that will catch attention or bold palettes that will draw your guests like moths to a flame.

Photos (L-R) The Wedding Cake Shoppe
MIX SHAPES, PATTERNS AND MATERIAL: Gone are the days where having a celebration cake meant it had to be round. These days cake artisans can create cakes in almost any shape including that of physical objects. But of course, bear in mind that the more ornate the shape the more expensive the cake can get.
One way to garner a creative edge without breaking the bank is to not limit yourself to one specific shape. If you’re cake is tiered, feel free to play with shapes – mix round and square tiers to create dimension. Also, don’t restrict your tiers to being stacked on top of one another. By separating your tiers you can do some funky shapes and styles and give your cake the illusion of being larger without the added expense of an additional tier. Playing with patterns like mixing circles with stripes can also add luster through simplicity just as mixing materials such as flowers with feathers or pearls with twigs can create the drama that your cake desires without relying on complicated icing designs.

Photos (L-R): Cakeoholics, Sweet N' Unique Cakes, Cakeoholics, The Wedding Cake Shoppe, CreARTive Cakes
PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT: You don’t have to rely on how your cake looks in order for it to make a statement. The placement of your cake can make all the difference in how much impact it has at your function. If you want your cake to be the focal point, place it in an open area that’s not cluttered with tables and chairs so that it stands out (ie) On a small table in the middle of the dance floor, to be moved over later in the celebration. Avoid over-decorating the cake table with tulle, draping and lights and trim the cake accessories such as champagne flutes, candles, etc – by keeping the table simple you ensure that the cake stands out and doesn’t get lost in the décor. If you want your cake to be the very first thing your guests notice or the last thing they remember, simply place it close to the entrance! Even the simplest of cakes will get noticed if strategically placed.
Only you can decide what your role will play at your celebration – will it simply be dessert or will it be a masterpiece that reflects your personality and exquisite taste? Whatever you choose let its role lay the path for how much emphasis you place on the cake and what aspects deserve that distinctive touch.

Photo from The Wedding Cake Shoppe