Support for those flying solo at The Bridal Shop...

While having a gaggle of opinions thrown at you about your chosen wedding gown (or any formal dress really) by your Bridesmaids, friends and family may seem overwhelming to some, having to make a decision about the dress all on your own can make you want to crouch in the corner of the dressing room and cry. Enter Fashism.com -- a super duper cool site that lets you upload a photo of yourself in your selected dressing room garment, add a question and get answers from online users (read: unbiased strangers!) who will tell you whether they like it or hate it.
Grooms who let their personality shine = pure awesomeness...

There's nothing more awesome than when a Groom puts his sneakered foot down and just says "NO!" to traditional wedding attire. If you're unsure as to what we're referring to, we're talking about the same old black tux, tie and vest. Whether it's going with a collarless suit, formal meets informal jeans, bold coloured ties and accessories or going sans suit altogether, This Planner personally hearts men who take their Bride's lead and let their personalities customize their wedding attire.

Supportive Garments. Because no one wants boob-rolls...

Gals, you know what I'm talking about. Those unsightly rolls at the bustline that can make any Bride feel all blubbery inside. Shapeez provides an awesome solution to this problem with its 'Ultimate Long' shaper that prevents rolls at the bustline (and shapes your torso as well...Bonus!)
Il Vestito Nero...Ti Amo

While it has a long way to go before it's widely accepted on the runway to wedded bliss, This Planner will forever love shunning the Queen's personal style and welcoming with open arms the sexy, bold and beautiful aura of the black wedding dress.

Pumps with Personality...

Way back in the day, a Bride who wore her sneakers or her army boots under her gown was not only making a personal statement but was creating a fashion hoopla. Today, more and more brides are stepping away from the traditional matchy-matchy white wedding shoes and opting for more personality whether it's in their brand choice, colour selection or structural style.

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